Tuesday, November 18, 2008


It's mid-November and the weather has finally turned a sharp corner here in Massachusetts and barely got out of the 30s today.
Of course this all happens the week we decide to break ground on our house expansion plans. We had it coming though... it's taken weeks to get the financing in order and work out the budget with the contractor. All that was going on when the weather was a balmy 60 F all day long and barely in the 40s at night.

The diggers came in and really tore things up the past two days. It's really amazing how powerful these machines are.

Here's a video of stones being moved:

We tried to save stones and trees and anything that would add to the finished design and make it look like part of the surrounding structure and landscape. We had to cut one large dogwood but we moved a second dogwood with some bumps and bruises:

This weekend I'll prune it back pretty hard and tie it up so the wind doesn't knock it over through the winter months. Not sure if it'll make it but it's worth a try!

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