Friday, December 12, 2008


The chickens have finally started laying eggs... enough eggs to feed a family.
Around Thanksgiving we were getting one egg every other day, and the egg would be laid in the pen, not the nest, which meant we got a dirt coated egg every other day.
I bet even that egg is better for us than factory eggs from the grocery store...

Here you can see what the chickens think of me... a food vendor!
They associate me with food and treats, so now whatever I touch becomes very interesting to them... even if it's just the bedding in their pen. Silly birds.

With all the construction going on, and occasional errant dog coming into our yard, I've come to the conclusion that free ranging 6 birds is way too risky. We've lost one to a wild animal and had to cull three roosters that were extremely loud. The one rooster left (farthest right in pic) has a strange crow that's almost comical. I'm not willing to lose anymore and then have to wait another 6 months for more eggs.
So, I've been bringing the food to them. Now that the ground is frozen, I've been giving them lettuce and other greens and sometimes leftovers from the dinner table. When the lawn was still growing, I'd mow a strip and dump the clippings in their pen. I'd like to grow some meal worms as an added source of protein, but that'll take some figuring out.

Thursday, December 11, 2008


The basement has been torn apart because of all the construction and as a result been very cold.
I don't spend any time down there in front of the computer and haven't updated the blog. There are pics on the camera of the progress on the house. Soon, maybe this weekend, I'll sit down and load them all and then post.

The weather has been a roller coaster. Monday in the high 20sF, yesterday 64 F and rainy, and today 35F and raining even harder. Bad headaches yesterday... not sure why.

The barometer went from roughly 30.0 in Hg down to 29.7 in Hg in a matter of 4 hours.

Not sure if that's a big drop... I'm just posting it here so I can have a written record and begin keeping track of this.
Today it's between 30.025 and 30.08 in Hg.

I really have no idea what the typical fluctuations are like for this part of the world so I can't make any conclusions.

Amber is sooooo close to giving birth that I'm on edge about that too. We have a couple of names up in the air but nothing certain.
Lots of exciting stuff happening!